I am that, too

When we deeply react negatively to an experience or a person, its always worth asking yourself, am I rejecting that same energy in myself? If there wasn’t a sore spot to poke, that person’s behavior, words, or actions might not bother us so much. We might not get engaged, roped in, caught up in having… Continue reading I am that, too

Healing the Ancestral Tree Whilst Healing Yourself

Today during a session with a client, he expressed having chronic back pain in part of his back. I asked him to close his eyes and feel into that part of his body, asking what the energy is, and he discovered it was the energy of “fear of the unknown” and a “deep sadness”.  We… Continue reading Healing the Ancestral Tree Whilst Healing Yourself

Healing Limiting Core Beliefs & Shifting Perspectives

I had a client come in recently sharing the experience of not feeling seen or loved growing up, and finding themselves as an adult continuing to have this feeling, surrounded by people they feel don’t truly see them, nor can they ever seem to really find people who love them. This is an example of… Continue reading Healing Limiting Core Beliefs & Shifting Perspectives

Creativity and Aging, spontaneous expression and healing (Guest Blog)

CREATIVITY AND AGING, SPIRIT – EMBODIMENT – TRANSFORMATION by Travis Wernet In a wonderful anthology exploring links between Carl Jung’s Analytical Psychology and growing old, much value is given to the practice of creativity as we age. In the section on “Successful Aging”, Lionel Corbett says,“Creativity can be a form of spiritual practice; it opens… Continue reading Creativity and Aging, spontaneous expression and healing (Guest Blog)

Listening to My Own Inner Teacher

Today, we are so lucky – there is an amazing cornucopia of spiritual teachers, paths to enlightenment, healing modalities and personal development programs out there. It is an amazing sign of our times – I am thankful for every new yoga studio and life coach I see cropping up, as that shows there is real… Continue reading Listening to My Own Inner Teacher